Warren County Teens In Action President speaks at the Resilient Teen Summit held at The Richmond on Greene in Augusta Georgia
Family Connection of Warren County, Inc. Coalition and The Warren County Teens in Action Team are so proud of their President, Miss Skyy Baker for speaking at the Teen Resilience summit entitled: “Transforming our Community from Trauma to Resilience”. Skyy spoke about how participating with this program has helped her tremendously. As a participant of the Resilient Teen program Skyy learned how to recover from difficult situations much faster than she did before she became a part of this program. The Teen Resilience sessions teaches students five pillars of resilience: Self Awareness, Mindfulness, Self-Care, Positive Relationships and Purpose.
“I became more confident with myself and gained the courage to express myself to my family and friends about my feelings. I want to thank my facilitator Ruth for encouraging me to speak up when I should. I thank the program facilitators for teaching me coping skills that kept me mentally sane during the COVID 19 pandemic.” Quote by Skyy Baker
One of Skyy’s most proudest moments is when she won first place in public speaking at her 4H DPA competition at Rock Eagle.
She thanks her 4H agent Mrs. Tanisha “Tish” Kersey, The Warren County Extension office, the Teen Resilience program, Family Connection of Warren County, Inc., her parents Lee and Chranda Baker for training and molding her to be able to speak publicly in front of hundreds of people. She is currently being trained by her mentor, who is a Med student at the Medical College of Georgia c/o 2024 Christian “Sascha” Brown, to be a facilitator to teach other peers that’s participating in this program. Skyy also wants to thank Mrs. Julie K. Miller and Mr. Daravious Cullars, whom she loves dearly for making it possible for her to participate with this great program. The Teen Resilient project is brought to you by: Family Connection, MCG Foundation, The Pittulloch Foundation and Resilient Georgia. To learn more about this program visit resilientcommunitiesga.org